More Perspectives on Estate & Legacy Planning - By Chris Cushman
In our last blog, we talked about viewing the future through the lens of impact and possibility. Now let’s look at some of the keys to having a positive impact both now and after you pass away.
1. Determine your passions. Kids? Grandkids? Social cause or injustice? Spiritual ministry? Figure out the areas you’d want to invest your time, talents and treasure.
2. Determine how you can best help others. What wisdom does a child need to learn before inheriting wealth? Would your heirs thrive more with an experience you can help provide vs just receiving money? Does your favorite cause need a check or would you have an adventure getting more involved?
3. The only value of money is in its use. If you have more than enough for yourself, then any extra will pass to someone now or later. With this in mind, would you rather pass along your assets now or later? Every family has a family meeting to learn about someone’s assets. This meeting either happens when that person is alive or after. Many heirs would be better equipped if they are included in discussions before someone passes away!
4. Impact can come in different forms. Your wisdom is valuable. Your stories are valuable. Your history and experience are valuable. Help make choices now so this value will outlive you and create incredible impact for generations to come.
Are these keys you have invested time into? We’d love to hear your feedback and help you have the greatest impact possible!
The SFA does not give tax or legal advice.