The Slough of Despond - By Jerry Black
If you have never read the Great classic by John Bunyan “Pilgrims Progress” do so. If not in a while – do so again, and again. In this great allegory Christian, the main character in the story, goes on a journey that begins in the City of Destruction. Along the way he encounters other characters and situations. He finds himself in the Slough of Despond, the Town of Vanity Fair, on The Hill Difficulty, and in the Doubting Castle where he encounters Giant Despair. Do these all sound like places today? How about “places” in your life? Today I have my doubts about America. I feel like the Giant Despair will not let me out of his grips. Yet, my resolve is strong. My gifts of faith and my indelible gift of perseverance says to keep my eye on the prize. The Celestial City. There is this thing called the Cycle of Market Emotions. Are the markets and world affairs causing your emotions to cycle up and down – entering the Slough of Despond? Let’s have a conversation about the future – Yours.