Stop Changing Lanes - By Peter Geckeler

Jennifer Hester |

School is back in session! Since I do not have any children, this only means one resounding thing to me: More. Traffic. Even after four years, traffic still gets the best of me more often than I like to admit. One way I deal with the traffic rage is to continually stay in motion, even if that means changing far more lanes than I need to, going down side roads, etc. Now does this ever save me time in the long run? No. Yet it makes me feel better.

Just as I like to change lanes in traffic to make myself feel like I am making progress, we all can be prone to “change lanes” with our investments due to how we are feeling. This tends to have the same results that changing lanes in traffic does: we lose ground instead of gaining ground.

Check out this article from our money manager Loring Ward to learn about the ill effects of “changing lanes” in your portfolio:

Article used by permission from Loring Ward Financial Services.